Terms & Conditions

Delivery Times

  • Approval indicates the time at which the order is approved for production and not from when the order is placed.
  • Delivery times are all unless specified otherwise:
  • Orders approved after 13h00 each working day, will only be processed the following working day and hence the production days must be calculated accordingly.
  • Laser printed orders will be completed within 24hrs of approval, including all Express Jobs.
  • Digital printing including vehicle magnetics / banners / full colour stickers / posters, will be completed within 3 to 5 working days.
  • All printing products will be completed in 5 to 7 working days.
  • Basic Signs & Displays will be completed within 5 to 7 working days.
  • Fabricated signs / LED’s / Cut out Letters / Neon signage / Lightboxes etc. will be completed within 10 to 14 working days.
  • Delivery times are a base indication and in all possible and reasonable effort will be kept, however, delays may occur that are out of the company’s control and hence delivery times may need to be extended. This includes but is not limited to: material shortages, supplier delays, external contractors or riggers, material defects, un-favourable weather conditions or conditions considered to be dangerous to work under, labour unrest or striking, courier service delays, uncommon materials,


  • On any order or product requiring installation, installation is not included in the prescribed delivery times and will occur at the first available time for scheduling that is available from the installation team.
  • All installations quoted, are up to a maximum of 8 meters from ground level. Should the installation exceed this height the client will be liable for additional costs due to rigging or crane, cherry picker, scissor hoists, ski-jacks etc.
  • The client accepts and agrees that once an installation date has been set, the client or authorised representative must be available to grant any of the company’s employee’s access to the site/premises to complete any work required at the time and place agreed. Failure to grant/gain access will subject the client to an additional callout fee as well as re-scheduling of the work to be done, of which no guarantee of date will be available.
  • On request the client is to supply a point of electrical connection for any tools needed to be used by the company. Should an electrical point not be available, this must be made known to the company before any installation arrangements are finalised. For signage installations that require electrical connections, the client must ensure that a connection is available. The company will also, on request supply the client with a fireman’s switch, but all connections to the building primary wiring, must be completed by a qualified electrician. The company is prohibited by law to complete such connections.
  • The client shall be responsible for obtaining the permission of the owner of the premises and any municipal or other authority that may from time to time be required for the installation of the signage, and undertakes to comply at all times with the relevant statutory regulation, ordinances and by-laws in force. Should the client require assistance in obtaining any approvals, the company on written request, will complete any applications on behalf of the client.

Supplied Artwork

  • Supplied artwork is deemed to be “print-ready” according to the companies various design templates and international CMYK colour standards. This includes any black to be a compilation of black where black is = 100% K only or shading of black as a percentage = 1-99% K. Registration black printing cannot be guaranteed 100%.
  • Supplied artwork is not subject to any changes or editing by the company. Changes or editing will be billed as necessary for the work to be done.
  • It is recommended that all artwork be in vector format, but specifically for any cutting / machining, vector artwork is essential.
  • Only CDR19, PDF, PSD, JPG files are accepted as appropriate supplied artwork, any other formats will first be evaluated before acceptance and conversion fees will be applicable.
  • Supplied artwork must include a 5mm bleed all around withoutany crop marks.
  • The company takes no responsibility whatsoever for supplied artworks final colours, quality or trimming.
  1. Proofs, Proofing & Artwork Approvals
  • Proofs are very important documents to be examined closely by the client.
  • Correctness of all information on the artwork proofs lies solely with the client, and any work produced after the clients have accepted the proofs supplied will incur no liability against the company, irrespective of the degree of error. The client is responsible to ensure that all information is 100% correct. Should the client be uncertain, no assumptions can be accepted by the company and final products are hence deemed as completed correctly.
  • Signature and/or acceptance of the artwork deems the finalization and binding of the order. Only signed artwork proofs, faxed or emailed acceptance is regarded as acceptable by the company. No telephonic approvals can be accepted whatsoever.
  • Any changes to artwork proofs will be subject to additional proofing, no changes and acceptance can be accepted simultaneously.
  • The company will not be liable for incorrect work being produced after the proofs have been approved, even if samples are supplied. All order information is accepted correct once artwork is approved for production.
  • Unless specifically stated, proofs are not to scale, and represent mere interpretation of the order. The finished product may differ from proofs to accommodate the various processes used.
  • Colour variations are un-avoidable in the advertising industry. It will be at the sole discretion of the company, to deem the acceptability of finished products. The company will however do all that is possible to meet the quality requirements of the customer.
  • The company reserves the right to add a company imprint (consisting of company name and telephone number) onto all products in a discreet and acceptable format.
  • The company will not be liable for any/all copyright infringements, as well as the use of any un-wholesome text or images, and the customer accepts any/all liability in this regard, and no prejudice against the company can be accepted. In such cases the client shall submit to the company in writing a statement of relinquishment of all liability.

Acceptance of Orders

  • Only signed quotations or e-mailed quotation approvals may be accepted. No verbal/telephonic orders may be accepted whatsoever.
  • Once a quotation has been accepted by signing or e-mailed approval, the order is considered firm and the client agrees and accepts the company’s pricing and terms and conditions.
  • A minimum cash-in-hand order value of R 50.00 is applicable with no invoice being issued.
  • A minimum order value of R 350.00 + Vat is applicable for any order that requires an invoice.
  • Quotations are valid for 30 days unless stated otherwise.
  • All prices quoted individually are quoted excluding VAT.
  • Responsibility is vested in the client that the products and product specifications quoted, are indeed correct according to requirements and no liability whatsoever will be granted by the supplier should the order be rejected due to incorrect materials/specifications.
  • Order Deposits & Balance Payments (Excluding VIP/Account Clients)
  • Cheque & Cash Deposits directly made into the company’s bank account will be levied with the bank fees charged accordingly.
  • Cheques will not be accepted.
  • Cash In-Hand, EFT’s & Debit / Credit Cards Are Accepted.
  • All balance payments must be made before products may be released when collected by the client or on completion of any installation that must be done. Proof of payment is required before either above instances can be deemed as an order settlement.
  • Any order exceeding R 5 000.00 including VAT requires a 70% deposit.
  • Any order that holds a value of less than R 5000.00 including vat, must be paid in full on placement of the order.
  • Any payment made is only accepted paid once cleared in the company’s bank account.
  • The clients deposit will automatically indicate the client’s acceptance of the company’s terms and conditions.
  • In cases where part order is collected or installed, payment for the particular item must be made before the product can be released.
  • Invoices not settled by the agreed date will incur interest at a rate of 24% per annum, capitalized monthly based on the balance of the account.
  • Any issues or problems arising after installation or delivery of products, does not entitle the client to withhold payment for whatsoever reason. The company will endeavour to correct any problems as efficiently as possible, but clients will remain liable for full settlement of outstanding monies
  • Accounts in arrears for 2 months or longer shall be handed over for debt collection. All additional costs incurred will be added for the clients account.


This quotation is valid for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of this quotation.


A deposit of 75% is required with the placing of the order. The balance must be paid on completion of installation and/or collection.


Normal lead time approximately 4 – 6 weeks from signed order, subject to the scope of work and all relevant information pertaining to the contract being received with the order. Cognizance must be taken of the fact that inclement weather and Force Majeure may have a bearing on the manufacture and installation date.


To the extent permitted by law, these Terms, and the provision of our Services, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with South African law, and any dispute arising out of these Terms and/or our Services shall be submitted to the competent South African courts having the requisite jurisdiction to hear the matter.

To the extent necessary and/or possible, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the South Gauteng High Court or an alternative appropriate South African court seized with appropriate jurisdiction in all disputes arising out of the Terms, this Privacy Policy, our Services, and/or related agreements incorporated by reference.


If any of these terms are deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason (including, but not limited to the exclusions and limitations set out above), then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be severed from these Terms and the remaining terms will continue to apply. Failure by Billboards Africa to enforce any of the provisions set out in these Terms and/or any other agreement, or failure to exercise any option to terminate, shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions and shall not affect the validity of these Terms or of any agreement or any part thereof, or the right thereafter to enforce each and every provision.

Cancellation of Orders

  • No cancellation will be accepted after 50% of the work has been supplied or installed.  Any Work completed or materials ordered will first be deducted from the total order and are payable in full.
  • If a client cancels an order after design work has been completed, the client will be liable to pay all design fees + a R550.00 administration fee. If a client places any order and any materials are already ordered, the client will be liable to pay the value of the materials already purchases + R 2000.00 administration fee etc. IF a client places an order for Office signage valued at R20k, then cancels after design, materials, cutting etc, the client is liable to pay 100% of the full order.


  • Ownership of any/all products will unconditionally remain the property of the company until payment has been made in full and is reflected in the company’s bank account.


  • Liability of products supplied by the company to the client shall automatically shift accordingly :
    • on delivery of any products or materials to the site or premises where installation will be done.
  • The client hereby acknowledges and accepts that immediately on occurrence of either of the above, the client will remain liable for all monies due to the company, even in such instances that the order/products are damaged or destroyed due to including but not limited to any third party, vandalism, uncontrollable events or any unforeseen instances.

Returns & Warranty

  • No products may be returned after 24 hours of either collection of products or notification that products are ready for collection. No exceptions.
  • Any problems or defect with products must be made known to the sales consultant or operations manager or point of contact in writing within this period. Failure to comply will result in the clients’ forfeit of any warranty claim against the company.
  • General signage, including digital prints, holds a 12 month warranty.
  • Electrical components, hold a 12 month supplier warranty, but are subject to prior fault evaluation.
  • The company’s warranty excludes any:
    • Tampering, theft. or damage or work carried out by a third party / contractor.
    • Use of products in the in-correct way or non intended purpose.
    • Any testing or forcing of products outside of their intended purpose.
    • Any damage due to clients’ choice of materials when recommended otherwise by the company.
    • Any error in the clients choice or decision of size, materials etc.
    • Any un-controllable event, including but not limited to, acts of God which include heavy rain, strong winds or any other type of extreme weather condition.
  • Workmanship has an unlimited guarantee.
  • It is the responsibility of the customer to return any products to the company’s offices for evaluation of any disputes arising and a judgement to be made.


The client assumes the responsibility of all signage, materials as soon as they get on site. It is the client’s duty to access any security risk all signage supplied by Billboards Africa and its suppliers or subsidiaries.

The client shall provide plans or should request plans for any signage, billboards or any other hoarding signage.

The client should provide electricity on-site unless it was charged in the quotation that Billboards Africa will bring a generator.

If Billboards Africa is working on a third-party site, the client should liaise with their client about the security of any signage and material to be brought to the said site.

The security of our staff, vehicles, and the material becomes the responsibility of the client and any other parties involved or who owns the site or property where the work or installation will be undertaken.

The client cannot cancel any order 50% done or more. Cancellation means the client will pay in full any other monies owed to Billboards Africa. This because Billboards Africa Buys all job materials on service commissioning.

It is the client’s duty or obligation to request our terms and conditions.

By commissioning Billboards Africa to do any job, meaning the client has read our terms and conditions which are binding in any court of law in South Africa or any country where the installation or the service is required.


Billboards Africa will not refund any job where materials have been procured. The client is obliged to pay the full cost of service or product that is custom made or designed. We believe business is continual negotiation, and we are committed to that as a company.


Please take note that our factory shut down occurs from +- 15 December to +- 20 January annually. Orders for delivery in the current year will close towards mid-November. The specific date for the closing of the order book will be communicated to all our clients in advance. Orders received after the close off date will be for delivery in the New Year.


In the event of delays due to the proposed site not being ready for signage installation, Billboards Africa reserves the right to invoice an additional 15% of the invoice amount over the 75% deposit paid. The client will retain the outstanding 10% until the final completion of the signage installation.


It is the responsibility of the client or appointed site project manager to ensure that our installers have access to the site once we have notified you of our onsite start date. Should access to the site be denied the installers downtime and travel will be charged to the client.


The price is inclusive of installation up to and including 6000mm from the ground level. Over and above this will have to be quoted site-specific. replacement in respect of electrical components shall be undertaken within a period of 6 months.


Should there be any snags after the installation of the signage, we need to be notified within 24 hours. Snags do not entitle the client to withhold payment which is due on completion of the installation.


The price is inclusive of installation up to and including 6000mm from the ground level. Over and above this will have to be quoted site specific.


It is the client’s responsibility and cost to provide primary wiring leading the electrical current to the sign and the final connection between the signage and the primary wiring.


It is the client’s responsibility and cost to provide a fireman’s switch for all neon illuminated signage. This is also a ,by law.


The quotation is inclusive of digging for foundations required for monolith and related signage assuming normal soil conditions are presented on commencing digging. However we reserve the right to use specialized equipment to excavate rock or similar obstacles should this be deemed necessary. This will be for the client’s account.


It is the client’s responsibility and cost to provide a fireman’s switch for all neon illuminated signage. This is also a , requirement by law., mains the responsibility of the client to get professional paving contractors to re-install any lifted paving.


The Client Shall be responsible for obtaining the permission of the owner of the premises and any municipal or other authority that may from time to time be required for the of the signage, and undertakes to comply at all times with the relevant statutory regulation, ordinances and by-laws in force.

Billboards Africa

Shall without assuming any liability toward the client and without prejudice to its rights assist the client in providing the necessary documents pertaining to the Council’s approval.


Please note that all the development and artwork for this project has been done by Billboards Africa and thus remains the property of Billboards Africa.  Such artwork may not be used without a written consent from Billboards Africa


If requested, an online proof will be available for your review after we have received your files for print.

Jobs with proof requests will not be sent to press without your approval unless the proof approval is explicitly waived. It is your responsibility to log in to your account and check on your proof. We are not liable for delays in the order caused by your non-approval of the proof.

An online proof is not an accurate color reproduction of the final printed piece. It is the final opportunity for you to check the layout, bleeds, crops and final text. Electronic proofs do not show transparency and overprint issues. Nor do they show color change from RGB to CMYK.
The proof must be treated as independent from the original submitted file and thoroughly reviewed prior to approval. It should be checked against the original file for possible errors in layout, copy, spacing, punctuation or image placement. You are fully responsible for all that is contained in the final approved proof.

Delivered plotter proofs show reasonable likeness to the final printed pieces. Such proofs are recommended for color-critical art and must be requested by you when the print order is made. Delivered plotter proofs are printed on a substrate different from the actual paper stock and the plotter machine is not used for while its main purpose is to show color, variations may occur depending on the finish selected for the final print job.

The request for a Delivered plotter proof involves an additional fee and would extend the amount of time needed to complete the job. For orders where a Delivered plotter proof has been requested, the approval must be received by us on or before our published cut-off times. We will make every effort to match colors in production when a hard copy proof is requested. However, it is your responsibility to determine if they need a hard copy proof with their print order.


Interest will be levied on all outstanding amounts/balances at the prime rate, plus 2%.


COUNCIL APPROVAL The Client and any surety for the client) understands that the personal information given herein is to be used by Billboards Africa for the purposes of assessing the client’s credit worthiness. The client confirms that the information given by the client is accurate and complete.

  1. b) Billboards Africa has the client’s consent and authority at all times to contact and request information from any persons, credit bureaus or businesses that it chooses to obtain any information relevant to the client’s credit assessment including but not limited to, information regarding the amounts purchased from suppliers per month, length of time the customer has dealt with such supplier, type of goods or services purchased and manner and time of payment.
  2. c) The client (and any surety for the client) hereby irrevocably indemnify Billboards Africa for any claim whatsoever against Billboards Africa arising out of the National Credit Act of 2005.

Colour Variations

We will reproduce color from submitted print-ready files as closely as possible, but cannot exactly match color and density (as viewed in a 5000K light booth). Because of inherent limitations with the printing process, as well as neighboring image ink requirements, the accuracy of color reproduction is not guaranteed. By placing an order with us, you agree to this limitation. We will try our best to match the gradient density of each color, but we accept no responsibility for color variations between submitted files and the final printed piece. Under no circumstances will a reprint be honored for color variations that have occurred due to artwork not being converted to CMYK.

Artwork Accuracy

Our automatic preflight department checks all submitted artwork files before printing, but you are still 100% responsible for the accuracy of your print-ready artwork files, and we encourage you to proofread all files carefully before submitting to us. We are not responsible for any issues as to orientation or alignment of the pages of your submitted artwork. By submitting the artwork to us, you certify that you have the right to use the image(s) in your artwork files. Although we take every precaution to safeguard your materials, we are NOT responsible for loss or damage of images or artwork if the font was not converted to curves and images were not embedded

Under these Terms & Conditions, you agree that you will NOT upload any artwork files consisting of the following material: offensive, indecent or improper material, nudity, any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable law; and any material that could infringe rights of privacy, publicity, copyrights or other intellectual property rights without the permission of the owner of these rights and the persons who are shown in the material if applicable. We will refuse an order based on foregoing reasons or for any other reason which in our opinion may be illegal in nature or an infringement on the rights of any third party. You accept full legal liability for the content of material processed and printed on your behalf and under your instructions. We reserve the right to refuse an order without disclosing a reason.

We may, based on our sole discretion, set limits to the maximum number of days that we shall retain designs or other uploaded files, as well as the maximum storage space that we would allocate to such files. We are not responsible for the deletion or failure to store any file whether uploaded or designed on our Website. We reserve the right to delete any file stored which has been inactive for an extended period of time, or for any other reason, without prior notice.


The client’s deposit/payment will automatically indicate the client’s acceptance of our terms and conditions as well as any drawing/sketches/artwork that have been provided by Boldmedia Signage

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